Sunday, September 10, 2023

Mastering Feed Analysis: A Practical Guide to Boost Livestock Health and Profits

Mastering Feed Analysis: A Practical Guide to Boost Livestock Health and Profits


In the world of farming and livestock management, the path to success begins with the quality of your feed. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, understanding feed analysis is crucial for maintaining robust livestock and maximizing your farm's profitability. Join us as we embark on a practical journey through the world of feed analysis, with easy-to-follow tips, tricks, and real-life examples that you can apply on your farm today.

Why Feed Analysis Matters

Imagine this scenario: You're a poultry farmer with a flock of 500 chickens. Some birds are thriving, while others lag behind. The culprit? Feed quality. Here's why feed analysis is your best ally:

Tip 1: Ensure Nutritional Precision

Feed analysis is your secret weapon to crafting a precise diet for your livestock. Let's say you have laying hens. With a proper analysis, you'll discover the ideal protein, calcium, and vitamin levels for their egg-laying needs.

Example: After feed analysis, you find that your current feed lacks enough calcium. By adjusting the feed formula, you boost eggshell quality and increase profits.

Tip 2: Financial Efficiency

Feed costs can eat into your profits. However, with feed analysis, you can fine-tune your feeding program for maximum efficiency.

Example: By analyzing the energy content in your cattle feed, you reduce overfeeding, saving 15% on feed costs without compromising growth.

Tip 3: Holistic Health Management

Keep your livestock healthy and prevent costly diseases by spotting potential contaminants or harmful elements in your feed.

Example: Mycotoxin testing reveals hidden toxins in your corn feed. By switching to a clean source, you avoid a potential health crisis.

Tip 4: Performance Amplification

Optimize your livestock's growth rates and performance with the insights gained from feed analysis.

Example: Amino acid profiling helps you tweak your pig feed formula, resulting in faster growth and leaner meat.

Practical Feed Analysis Techniques

Now, let's get our hands dirty with some straightforward techniques:

Hack 1: Quick Field Tests

You don't always need a lab. Simple field tests like the "squeeze test" for hay moisture or the "smell test" for freshness can provide instant feedback.

Example: When you squeeze a handful of hay, it feels damp. This quick test alerts you to a moisture issue that needs addressing.

Hack 2: DIY Proximate Analysis

You can perform a basic proximate analysis at home using common household items. This DIY approach can give you a rough idea of protein, fat, and fiber content.

Example: Boil a sample of your feed, and you'll see the fat rise to the surface, helping you estimate fat content.

Hack 3: Mobile Apps for Data Tracking

There are user-friendly mobile apps that help you track and record feed analysis data, making it easier to stay on top of your livestock's nutritional needs.

Example: Use an app to record the results of your feed analysis over time, making it simple to spot trends and make adjustments.

Cracking the Feed Analysis Code

Understanding the results of feed analysis may seem intimidating, but it's essential for making informed decisions. Seek guidance from a nutritionist or agricultural extension expert to interpret the data accurately.

Tip 5: Custom Formulations for Optimal Results

Collaborate with experts to craft precise feed formulations tailored to your livestock's unique needs.

Example: Working with a nutritionist, you develop a custom feed blend that helps your broiler chickens reach market weight faster.

Tip 6: Optimize Feeding Practices

Based on analysis results, adjust feeding rates and schedules to enhance growth and health effectively.

Example: You discover that your dairy cows need more magnesium. You adjust their feed schedule, and milk production soars.

Tip 7: Proactive Issue Detection

Regularly analyze feed to identify nutritional problems or contaminants early, preventing harm to your animals.

Example: Routine mycotoxin testing alerts you to potential issues before your cattle show signs of illness.


Feed analysis isn't just for experts; it's a practical tool for any livestock owner. By applying the tips, tricks, and hacks shared in this guide, you can unlock the power of feed analysis on your farm. Your livestock will thrive, your profits will soar, and you'll have the satisfaction of providing top-tier care for your animals.

Ready to kick-start your journey to healthier, more profitable livestock through feed analysis? Reach out to our experts today for personalized guidance and start reaping the benefits on your farm.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Proximate/Weende Analysis

  • The partitioning of compounds in a feed into six categories/fractions based on the chemical properties of the compounds, i.e. moisture, ash, crude protein (or Kjeldahl protein), crude lipid, crude fibre and nitrogen-free extracts (digestible carbohydrates). This quantitative analysis method of different feed macronutrients was developed in 1860 by Henneberg and Stohmann in Germany.
  • This analysis was an attempt to duplicate animal digestion. After extracting the fat, the sample is subjected to an acid digestion, simulating the acid present in the stomach, followed by an alkaline digestion, simulating the alkaline environment in the small intestine. The crude fiber remaining after digestion is the portion of the sample assumed not digestible by monogastric animals. In the proximate analysis of feedstuffs, Kjeldahl nitrogen, ether extract, crude fiber and ash are determined chemically. The determination of nitrogen allows the calculation of the protein content of the sample, thus Kjeldahl protein.

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proximate analysis diagram

It is important to remember that proximate analysis is not a nutrient analysis, rather it is a partitioning of both nutrients and non-nutirents into categories based on common chemical properties.


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Thus, the consecutive steps of the proximate analysis are the determination of::

Due to the unsatisfactory principle, most laboratories have phased out the CF term and replaced it with the Van Soest Detergent Fiber analysis.

Proximate analysis and detergent fiber analysis are still the most widely used feed analysis methods, although some other methods are available: for non-ruminants, individual amino acid value is more important than the total protein, consequently, AMINO ACID ANALYZER and HPLC are used to do just that. individual mineral is more important than the ash value, ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROPHOTOMETER is most widely used for this purpose. energy content of the feed use BOMB CALORIMETER.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Utilization of pasture and forages by ruminants: A historical perspective

Pastures, forages, and grasslands dominate the landscape across the United States and support a large ruminant population that supplies the nation with value-added animal products. A historical perspective is presented of the innovations as they occurred in the Journal of Animal Science over the past 100 yr in pasture and forage research. Consideration was given to both animal and pasture perspectives. Areas given consideration from the animal perspective were schemes for feedstuff analysis, experimental design and statistics, forage sample preservation, indirect methods of measuring intake and digestion, TDN and energy, nutritive value, harvested forage, and innovations in the grazing environment. Areas given consideration from the forage perspective were a framework for forage-animal interface research, determining pasture yield, choice of stocking method, grazing management, partitioning of forage DM, near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy technology, antiquality constituents, and forage sample preservation. Finally, the importance was discussed of applying research results from the forage-animal interface to general ruminant nutrition research beyond the interface that is focused on altered diets.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Extraction of Polyphenols from Browses

Weigh ................. of dried ....................... plant material and place in a glass beaker of approximately ............................... capacity. To it is added .......................... ml of ................................ and the beaker is suspended in .......................... and subjected to ........................... treatment for .......................... at ................. temperature. Teh contents of the beaker are then transfered to centrifuge tubes and subjected to centrifugation for ................... and approximately ................... 3000 g at 4oC.

Advantages and Limitations of Near Infrared Reflectance Analysis over Proximate Analysis

Ste-by-Step Calculation of ADF

Step-by-Step Calculation of NDF

To determine the NDF, you weigh ................... g of sample into a ..................... and seal with .................... The sealed sample is put into ....................... and ........................ solution is added for digestion in the fibre analyser.